
Stationery for 2025

Stationery packs for each classroom are to be purchased at the school office. Teaching and learning programmes vary slightly in each room hence the different prices.

Room 3 – Mrs B: $52.60

Room 4 – Whaea Rāngilique: $35.25

Room 5 – Mr Roberts: $41.56

Room 6 – Whaea Tanya: $38.53

Room 8 – Mrs Thomson: $32.19

Room 9 – Mr Steele: $33.53

Please pay for this at the school office or online through internet banking. The school account number is: 12-3143-0429078-00

Stationery can be covered by a regular weekly payment that can cover uniform costs, technology (Y7 and 8), trips and other costs which may pop up over the year. It is important to make sure you make clear reference to your child’s name/s when using internet banking.