Learning Support and SENCo
Woodville School pride ourselves in knowing our students’ needs and not much goes unnoticed. All of our teachers know all students really well and readily adapt things to respond to the learning needs.
Learning Support Co-ordinator:
Woodville School has a Learning Support Co-ordinator for 4 days a week in 2023.
Jackie Kirk is a valued member of our team – supporting individuals and groups. She is able to observe students, work alongside teachers to design programmes of work and she can lead problem solving situations to ensure we are able to provide the very best for all our students.
A full range of support services offered by the Ministry of Education to schools can be found here:
Special Education Needs Coordinator (SENCo)
Woodville School has a dedicated SENCo.
The SENCO has a critical role to play in ensuring that children with special educational needs and disabilities within a school receive the support they need.
The type of responsibilities our SENCo has are:
Overseeing the day-to-day operation of the school’s SEN policy.
- Supporting the identification of children with special educational needs.
- Co-ordinating provision for children with SEN.
- Liaising with parents of children with SEN.
- Liaising with other providers, outside agencies, educational psychologists and external agencies.
- Ensuring that the school keeps the records of all pupils with SEN up to date.
There are outside agencies and extra support that the school can access and apply for:
ORS (Ongoing Resource Scheme)
ICS (In Class Support)
RTLB (Resource Teacher of Learning and Behaviour)
SLT (Speech and Language)
OT (Occupational Therapist)